The Northeast hurricane season officially launched June 1 and there have been four named storms already! Protecting yourself today means preparing your home or workplace, collecting sources of information, developing an emergency communications plan and knowing what to do when a flood is approaching your home or business.
Things to know and do now:
- STAY INFORMED: Learn things you can do now to stay safe from flooding due to large storms like hurricanes. It’s important to stay informed about what is happening with the storm as it approaches and to always follow the instructions of local emergency management officials.
- TAKE PHOTOS: If you have contents coverage on your flood insurance policy and you haven’t already done so, take photos of clothing, flooring, light fixtures, appliances, furniture, etc., anything that could be damaged by the flood. Having this can help if you end up filing a flood insurance claim later. If you’re not sure what your flood insurance policy covers, call us.
- Make sure your sump pump is working. Then, install a battery-operated backup in case of power failure.
- Installing a water alarm will let you know if water is accumulating in your basement.
- Clear debris from gutters and downspouts.
- Anchor any fuel tanks.
- Move furniture, valuables and important documents to a safe place.
- PROTECT VALUABLE DOCUMENTS: Store copies of irreplaceable documents (such as birth certificates, passports, insurance documents, deeds, etc.) in a safe, dry place. It can also be a good idea to photograph these documents and store the images in a safe place, too.
- PREPARE YOUR FAMILY: Visit Ready.gov for a complete disaster supply checklist, and to find out how to prepare for and what to do during a power outage.
- BE READY TO EVACUATE: Plan and practice a flood evacuation route. Ask someone out of state to be your “family contact” in an emergency, and make sure everyone knows the contact’s address and phone number.
- PLAN FOR PETS AND ANIMALS: Make a pet and animal plan. Many emergency shelters do not allow pets. Make plans now on what to do with your pets if you are required to evacuate your residence.
Let us review your flood policy or quote you for flood insurance now (there is a 30-day waiting period). Make sure you have the coverage you need when something happens!
Call Hometown Insurance at 1-800-568-SAVE (7283) or email us at service@hometowninsurance.com
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