Author: Melissa Sauer – Director of Personal Lines
Homeowners Insurance Policies
Not only life events should prompt you to review your insurance programs. Homeowners Insurance is often one of the most overlooked policies. Outdated coverage and missing credits can both cost you in your monthly premiums and by experiencing an uncovered claim. The best time to begin reviewing is 2 months before the end of your policy period or after major renovations or updates, so plan accordingly. Setting time aside to consider what you value most about your home and lifestyle will make sure you and your advisor select the correct coverage to make you whole at the time of a loss.
Initially, did you shop around?
Most new homeowners do not spend time researching coverages, and companies when getting ready for closing. They are looking to move forward with the mortgage process to secure their dream home. Being in a rush can prevent you from exploring all your options, this can leave you short in the event of a claim. Insurance is the promise to make you whole, but what that means in your coverage can change over time.
Have you protected your most valuable possessions?
Everyday changes in life can change your insurance needs. Did you know that the purchase of golf clubs, jewelry, firearms or art might not be properly covered under your standard homeowners insurance policy? Standard home polices can limit these items to a fraction of the purchase value. These items could also be subject to your deductible. Consider a personal articles floater or collections policy to ensure worldwide coverage and a decreased or no deductible option in the event of a loss. Many times these personal articles floater or collections policy also offer agreed value on your most valuable possessions. Tis can help to restore full value in the event of a loss.
Where would you stay in the event, if your home was not an option?
After a claim, the last thing you want to worry about is keeping your family in a safe place. We specialize in making sure our clients have enough loss of use coverage on their home policy. To make sure your day-to-day life isn’t disrupted. Insurance will often cover increased daily expenses during the resolution of a claim.
Do you know if your coverage is adequate?
You don’t want to find out your coverage is too little after a claim. The time to review is now. Our advisors can take the time, one on one, to walk you through coverage options tailored to your needs.
Your safety is important, call us today for a policy review at 1-800-568-SAVE (7283) or email us at: service@hometowninsurance.com.
Hometown is here for you!
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