Web site: Insurance Information Institute
Did you get an expensive Holiday present that you want to protect? Take stock of your expensive or valuable items with a special rider or policy called a floater (also known as inland marine or floater policy).
There are limits on how much a standard Homeowners insurance policy will cover for special items such as jewelry, silverware, collectibles and furs. For example, jewelry coverage may be limited to under $2,000. Some insurance companies may also place a limit on what they will pay for computers.
Call us to review your current coverage and make sure those family heirlooms or new gifts are included on your homeowners or renters policy. Ask us, as your trusted advisor, about your current limits of coverage for any expensive items.
Have you made a list of those items (known as a home inventory)? If your home inventory includes items for which the limits might be too low, consider buying a special personal property floater or an endorsement to your policy. This will allow you to insure valuables individually or as a collection, with significantly higher coverage limits.
Valuable article policies or floaters are often a great, low cost way of ensuring you can replace or be compensated for the loss of that ring, earring, watch or other piece.
Material excerpted from: How much homeowners insurance do I need?
Want to know if your valuable items are properly protected?
Call your Hometown Insurance trusted advisor today at 1-800-568-SAVE (7283) or contact us by email at service@hometowninsurance.com for helpful information.
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