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Spring Cleaning for Your Home –

Begin with an action plan

One of the hardest parts of spring cleaning can be deciding where to begin and what to tackle first. Not to mention figuring out who will do what.

So why not approach the big job like a pro this year: create an action plan, assign tasks to specific family members (or even to a professional) and then reward everyone for a job well done. Don’t forget to hold a family meeting to brainstorm enticing and fun rewards that will inspire everyone to work hard!

Downloadable checklists ease your way

To help you out with your big spring clean, we’ve created seven handy and easy-to-use spring cleaning checklists: one for each room in your home, plus an extra to cover outdoor cleaning.

Each list contains tasks, suggestions for who can best handle each task (adult, child or professional), tool and product recommendations, helpful tips—and even some of our favorite articles on related topics.

To download a checklist, click HERE.  Then simply click the name of the checklist you’d like to use.

Once you have your checklist, print it and use it as a guide to keep you and your family on track throughout your big spring clean. Here’s a suggestion: tape the appropriate checklist to the door of the room you’re cleaning and check off tasks as they are completed. That way everyone can track the progress of each room and share in a sense of accomplishment as you get closer to your goals. It will make the chores seem more manageable too.

Make safety a priority

As always, read the labels of any product you use so you fully understand all directions and precautions. Consider, too, whether you’ll need special equipment, like safety goggles or rubber gloves, to protect your eyes and skin.

Children can often help out with spring cleaning and on our checklists we’ve indicated cleaning tasks that might be appropriate for them. However, some cleaning products should be kept out of reach of children (and pets too), so check labels to make sure. Be sure that you supervise them as appropriate for their age.

Celebrate a job well done.

Once the last checkbox has been ticked and your house is gleaming from roof to basement, treat the whole family to the agreed-upon reward. Whether it’s dinner at a favorite restaurant or maybe a new hammock for backyard relaxing, it’s certain to be a well-earned spring bonus!


These tasks will help to minimize your risk of an insurance claim.

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